
Well... like I have said here before, the TRUE story of the WMDs in Iraq will not be know for some time, but more and more information is coming out pointing that "something" was there...
Here is some more info:
Iraqi "yellow cake" transferred:
Quote: "The nearly 2 tons of low-enriched uranium and approximately 1,000 highly radioactive items transferred from Iraq to the United States last month had been placed under seal by the International Atomic Energy Agency at the sprawling Tuwaitha nuclear complex, 12 miles south of Baghdad, the officials said."
...material that could have been used to make dirty bombs...well, if that is not materials for a form of WMDs then I do not know what is kids!...lol...!
Now that was in 2004, here is more today, in 2008:
Quote, July 7, 2008: "At Iraq's request, the US military this year transferred hundreds of metric tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq to Canada in a secret, weeks-long operation, a Pentagon spokesman said Monday.
The 550 metric tons of uranium, which was sold to a Canadian company, was moved by truck convoy to Baghdad's "Green Zone," then flown by military aircraft to a third country where it was put on a ship for Canada, said Bryan Whitman, the spokesman.
The yellow cake was discovered by US troops after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Facility south of Baghdad, and was placed under the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency."
..Again! more evidence that Saddam HAD materials for WMDs!
ALL those that yell "there were no WMD in Iraq", and that therefore the invasion was illegal of a crime etc are just WRONG!
This nuclear material was hidden from the UN inspectors, a clear violation of the UN sanctions and restrictions! ...never mind in addition to the many other things we also found after the invasion, example:
forbidden Iraqi Air Force planes buried in the sand at The al Taqqadum air field west of Baghdad in Iraq (posted photos:
Quote:" What military search teams eventually found at al Taqqadum, in July 2003: a reported 30 to 40 planes, including several MiG-25 and Su-25 ground attack jets, buried more than 10 feet beneath tons of soil and covered with camouflage netting. According to the Pentagon, at least one of the MiG-25s was found because searchers spotted its twin tail fins protruding from the sand. Some of the planes had been wrapped in plastic sheeting to protect their electronics and machinery from the sand (and some had had their wings removed), but others were interred with little or no protection from the sand or the elements. The recovery teams had to use large earth-moving equipment to uncover the aircraft."
(press release by Department of Defense, 2003)
more WMD evidence:
" Iraqi Chemical Stash Uncovered",
Quote: "BAGHDAD, Aug. 13 -- U.S. troops raiding a warehouse in the northern city of Mosul uncovered a suspected chemical weapons factory containing 1,500 gallons of chemicals believed destined for attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces and civilians, military officials said Saturday.
Monday's early morning raid found 11 precursor agents, "some of them quite dangerous by themselves," a military spokesman, Lt. Col. Steven A. Boylan, said in Baghdad."
...more evidence that Iraqi forces under Saddam had WMD expertise, and even after the fall of their leader in 2003 the remaining dismembered Baathists were trying to use that knowlwedge and some leftover WMD materials to use against our forces!
more evidence:
Chemical weapon antidotes found in Iraqi base:
Quote: "US Marines say they have discovered drugs used by soldiers to counter chemical weapons and 3000 chemical protection suits at a hospital used by Iraqi forces in the town of An Nasariyah. The discovery has added to fears that Iraq might use chemical weapons against invading British and US troops.
In particular, General Vincent Brooks, at US Central Command in Doha, Qatar, said on Wednesday that Marines had confiscated "nerve agent antidote auto-injectors" at the hospital."
This reminds me of a blunt phrase: "you don't put a condom on unless you are going to screw, do you?"
...same thing here, Saddam forces did not have anti-chemical agent drugs unless they expected chemical weapons (again WMDs) to be used...!
and the United States does not use WMDs, it is a matter of national policy, as were Saddam HAD... against Iran, and its own people, the Kurds!
..and more evidence:
UK Troops Say They Find More Iraqi Chemical Suits
Quote: "British troops have found a stash of Iraqi equipment designed to protect soldiers from chemical attack, including protective suits, training materials and nerve gas antidote.
Sunday's discovery at an ordinance facility south of Basra did not appear to include any actual weapons of mass destruction -- the elusive "smoking gun" that Washington and London hope will eventually justify their invasion of Iraq.
But troops did find items including a Geiger counter, gas masks and nerve gas simulators, which British officers said indicated that Iraqi troops were being trained to deal with the possibility of chemical or nuclear warfare."
...again my blunt phrase: "you don't put a condom on unless you are going to screw, do you?"
WMD gear, gas masks, WMD warfare TRAINING simulators...!
...more, this evidence:
even a CNN report in 2003...
"Nuke program parts unearthed in Baghdad back yard"
Quote: "(CNN) -- The CIA has in its hands the critical parts of a key piece of Iraqi nuclear technology -- parts needed to develop a bomb program -- that were dug up in a back yard in Baghdad, CNN has learned.
The parts, with accompanying plans, were unearthed by Iraqi scientist Mahdi Obeidi who had hidden them under a rose bush in his garden 12 years ago under orders from Qusay Hussein and Saddam Hussein's then son-in-law, Hussein Kamel."
...again my blunt phrase: "you don't put a condom on unless you are going to screw, do you?"
it is clear Saddam was in violation of UN sanctions again and again... and again, and just waiting for the UN to give up so he could get "back to business"...!
There are reports that he even did have WMDs, but as we prepared for our final assault he decided to send the WMD stockpile in a hurry to his Baath Party pals in Syria...:
"Iraq's WMD Secreted in Syria, Sada Says"
Quote: "The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed."
Saddam knew we were coming, there are reports that he even got details of the American invasion from the Russians:
"Iraq Archive Document Alleges Russian Official Described Locations, Troops, Tanks and Other Forces Before Operation Iraqi Freedom Began" ABC news.
Saddam then knew we were coming, he knew that not in a million years was it possible for him and his forces to stop us, and that he was going to loose badly, so instead of been caught "red handed" with WMDs he decided to pull the oldest trick in the book...pass the weapons to a "stacher" for safe keeping (Syria) so then he would look "clean" of WMDs after the invasion in the eyes of the world....oldest trick in the book.
Hey... anyone heared of this: drug dealer knows cops are coming, he passes drugs to pal near by, cops arrive, he gets frisked and found "clean", cops leave, he gets drugs back from staching pal and is back in business...oldest trick in the book kids!
same thing here!
All of this point to a more troubling thing, and that is that if all those WMDs got away, those WMDs can now be in the hands of other terrorist states and/or groups, and the administration knows this, but prefers to take "a hit" by been seen as having been "wrong" in the intelligence assesment of Iraq having WMDs, rather than having been right all along on Saddam
having WMDs, but having really screwed up in
losing the opportunity to capture those weapons in Iraq by not invading with enough forces (also reason for the mess after the invasion), and now those weapons are in the hands of many of our enemies.
And this is possibly the
real truth of the Iraq WMDs story.
My scenario:
Saddam had WMDs', he saw us coming, the Russians even gave him intel on how and were we were going to come in from, he realized he could not stop us, so he decided to get rid of the weapons until a later time by passing them to the guys next door in Syria; we came in too late, too slow to catch the WMDs weapons been moved, Bush realized that he had just missed the WMDs and that it was too late for him to go after them them in Syria (never mind that now he, Bush, was bogged down in a guerrilla war in Iraq with no spare troops to do anything else anywhere else, and thus decided to take the hit and look incompetent regarding intel on the WMDs instead of looking incompetent on not been able to get the existing WMDs.
As for the evidence..., the "yellow cake", the buried weapons, the WMDs antidotes, the WMDs protective gear, the WMDs Training gear, etc etc etc, is clear evidence that he was NOT an innocent victim in this war, and who knows what else he had, what else he buried in those immense sand dunes, or what else he sent to Syria...
The whole story will not be know for a long time, but as evidence shows he was guilty as charge, and thus the 2003 Invasion was justified...problem was Bush/Rumsfeld invasion was too slow and too small in troop numbers in order to catch the WMDs before they were sent to Syria, and then too small for the post invasion
occupation that was sure to follow the American military Iraqi invasion.
Finally, listen to this lady reporter Pamela Hess on C-SPAN (unbias) about what is going on in Iraq and why we need to stay and help the Iraqis "get on their feet":